The Renewable Materials Company

Home Register Privacy policy Terms of use

Home Safe App

Forestry business secured by Home Safe app

Terms of use

Processing personal data

To be able to use the Home Safe app, personal data is required from the user in the form of name, phone number and geolocation data. Personal information in the form of name and telephone number is also required for the persons the user specifies as alarm recipients. Without this information, the app will not work. By creating an account and using the app, you accept that the personal data you provide will be processed by Stora Enso in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

Functionality & usage of the app

The purpose of the app is to function as a homecoming control when someone is working alone The app has no functionality linked to any rescue service - neither in Sweden nor in any other country.

Stora Enso or any other party that owns or maintains the Home Safe app takes no responsibility for the user's personal safety when using the app. Neither does Stora Enso guarantee that the app will always work, or take responsibility for consequences of the app's functionality. Stora Enso reserves the right to unilaterally change, update, temporarily or permanently limit or shut down the app and access to it. Stora Enso undertakes no obligation to provide support or maintenance of the app.

By agreeing to these terms, you are entitled to use the software comprising the app. The material included in the app could be protected by intellectual property rights. You have no right to use the material outside of the app. You may also not attempt to copy, decompile, deconstruct, disassemble, derive the code, decrypt, modify, or create products based in whole or in part on the software in the app or on the services in it. The app may not be used for commercial purposes.


When creating an account, you are required to provide truthful and accurate information about yourself. When completing account creation and when using the app, you as a user certify that the information you provided is truthful and correct. Your login details are personal and may not be used by anyone else. In case of suspicion of misuse of the login details or of the app's content, Stora Enso reserves the right to delete, disable or otherwise make the user's account unavailable to the user.


These terms and conditions can be subject to change by Stora Enso. In the event of a change, you are informed via the app that a change has taken place and if you use the app after being informed about the changed conditions, you have accepted the changes. If the terms of use are not accepted, the app cannot be used.